Work Experiences

Software Engineer Intern


Dec 2023 - Jan 2025
Remote, Austin US
  • Collaborated with meshery maintainers to increase e2e test coverage using Playwright and successfully migrated Kanvas and meshery UI components from MUI v4 to MUI v5, enhancing performance and compatibility of components.
  • Migrated Layer5 web platform from Gatsby v4 to v5 by upgrading site’s react version. Reducing 80% of build time for the site.
  • Contributed to support Typescript environment from JS for Layer5 cloud platform.
  • Implemented share wizard to help users to share their cloud native architectures or design to other users by managing the access level of the content.

LFX Intern- Meshery

Linux Foundation

Sept 2023 - Nov 2023
Remote, Austin US
  • Developed our in-house open source design system Sistent written in Typescript to use collection of reusable components, managing theme across projects and consistency in design. Migrated all project’s components to follow our design system.
  • Implemented a web based public catalog to facilitate managing by importing existing cloud native architectures or design patterns, and publish to available to other users.
  • Implemented workspace and environment UI capabilites which allows users to manage, share, and work with a collection of resources as a group, instead of dealing with all connections and credentials on an individual basis.

Software Engineer Intern


Mar 2023 - Sept 2023
Remote, Austin US
  • Implemented a Connection registration wizard that enables users to register their connections of Prometheus or Grafana kind and further build a feature to manage the state of these connections.
  • Implemented dashboard and multi-functional dynamic tables in Layer5 cloud to manage users, teams and organizations and their roles to support better IAM management.
  • Implemented APIs for Layer5 cloud UI with collaboration with backend team.
  • Transitioned Axios-based APIs to RTK Query, reducing client-side API calls by 40% enabling faster webpage loading.

Other Experiences

Community Manager


Oct 2023 - Jan 2025
Remote, Austin US
  • Helped in managing layer5’s 10K+ community members and mentored new contributors.
  • Organized community events, meetups, and workshops and learning sessions to help contributors to learn about various projects.
  • Managed social media accounts and created content for Layer5 projects and met with potential users, helped them to understand the scope of project and use cases.
Sudhanshu Dasgupta